All posts by admin

9 years ago9 years ago/9 years ago


A contemporary full-service Indian law firm providing legal services to domestic and international clients. The firm has offices in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and associate offices in several other cities of India.Read More…

9 years ago9 years ago/9 years ago

Akshat Pande

Alpha Partners – a corporate and commercial law rm based in NCR of Delhi, India ranked as a “Recommended Law Firm” in two practice areas in 2 practice areas in India jurisdictionRead More…

9 years ago9 years ago/9 years ago

Rajneesh Rastogi

Rajneesh Rastogi is an Engineer from IIT-Roorkee with MBA from Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, He has an experience of more than 22 years divided equally between “For Profits” and “Not forRead More…